Jewell Historical Society Fun Stuff

This next fun news was published in The Jewell Record on January 2, 1908:

*** Burma Shave ***
Just for fun, enjoy a few more
Burma Shave Signs

Depot Robbed Monday Night

     Agent Cheever announced Tuesday morning a robbery that was perpetrated at the depot at Jewell Monday night.   There is positively no clue to the perpetrators of the deed.   In fact, it is not definitely known that the robbery occurred Monday night.   Agent discovered the loss Tuesday morning, but is of the opinion that sneak thieves got in their work during several week's time preceeding.

     The total loss as discovered by Agent Cheever amounts to $1.38.   The loss consists wholly of gum that was stored in a box in the ticket office to be used in the gum machines in the waiting rooms.   In the box was a large knot and this knot had come out, leaving a large knot hole where the knot had formerly been.   Through this knot hole the gum had been removed.   Or to be more exact--through this hole where there is not a knot now, the thieves entered the box and ate up the gum.   Agent Cheever believes the thieves were mice.   If you discover any dead ones running around you should know that they are undoubtedly the guilty parties for the gum will undoubtedly do the business.

This news story was published in The Jewell Record on September 17, 1908:
View that 1908 news article.

Which postwar car company made it hard to tell
whether its cars were coming or going?
 a.  Studebaker
 b.  Nash Metro
 c.  Tucker

Just for fun, take this 1940s Nostalgia Quiz

Published February 8, 1912:
view Jewell Record article
An Essay on Girls

     Girls are the sisters of boys and has long hair, wears dresses and powders.   The first girl was called Christmas Eve, though I never could see why.   Most every family has one girl and some of 'em that has rotten luck has two or three.   We have one in ourn who is my sister.   Girls can grow older and get younger.   My sister was 25 for three years and some day we may be twins.   Girls play the pianner and talk about each other.   Fat girls want to be thin, and thin girls want to be fat, and all of 'em want to marry doods.   Just why the Lord makes girls, nobody nos, but I think it were to go to church and eat ice cream.   There are three kind of girls, blond girls, brunette girls, and them that has money.   Girls is afraid of mice and insects, which make it fun to put 'em down their backs.

A wagon box is 2 ft. deep, 10 feet long, and 3 ft. wide.

How many bushels of wheat will it hold?   . . . answer

Published February 21, 1929:

On the rail line, Cleve Johnson had been riding in a stuffy smoking car, and when the train finally stopped at the station, he went out on the platform and took deep breaths of fresh air.

In this enjoyment, he said to the depot agent, "Isn't this invigorating?"

Agent Duckmanton:  "No, sir, this is Ellsworth!"

Miss Lundeberg - "Arnold Miller!   This is the worst composition in the whole class, and I am going to write a note to your father telling him so!"

Arnold M. - "I don't care; he wrote it."

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For a fun challenge, try a few questions from a
1895 School Daze Quiz!