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1920 Postcard of Jewell Lutheran College which includes the Ladies Dormitory (left) and the Main College Building
about Jewell having the first college in Hamilton County.
The address and message on this 1920 postcard is seen next.
about the Congregational Church of Jewell
This Jewell newspaper article tells of the winning town baseball team of 1911. Some Jewell residents may remember the names of these team members. Although the news article photo does identify Andrew Larson, Alfred Larson, Emil Larson, Evan Cheever, Charlie Glaman, Dr. E. W. Slater, Carl Queensland, Tommy Peterson, Henry Larson Lester Billings and Dr. L. M Jacobson, there is not much told about the positions played or where the games were held. Jewell History Sleuths may be able to answer any questions or else search the Newspaper archive (found on our Links Page) to learn more about these Champs and their winning season.
This 1910 photo shows the construction
of the corner building which would be the home of Jewell's First National
This photo postcard shows Jewell Main Street facing north in about 1908.
We can identify some buildings; from the left, 1. - Borcherding's studio, 2. - the store which sold phonograph records, 3. - the "Livery and Feed Store", 4. - the Bakery, 5. - the brick building which held the "Meat Market".
For other Main Street views from this time, view page 55 of the Quasquicentennial Photo History of Jewell, Iowa.