Congregational Church of Jewell

Located on Main Street at the present UCC Federated Church site

     The Congregational Church of Jewell was established with about a dozen members in 1883, shortly after the town was founded.   They first met along with people of other denominations in Rhodearmill's drug store on the north side of the tracks, and later in the school house on the south side.  Ministers of the various demoninations came from other towns to preach for these services.

Early records show that Congregational Church members included Mr. and Mrs. Dave Warburton, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper with daughter Jennie, who later became Mrs. Herby Hood, Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. G. W. Quiggle with daughter Susie, and Mr. and Mrs. John Warburton and others.   Rev. Countyman was their pastor when the church was organized.   This was a small group which did not have the funds to erect a building, so aided by Methodists, they set to work, determined that Jewell should have a church.  They gave dinners, did sewing, tied comforters, and even sewed carpet rags.  Later when the Methodists decided to build a church, the Congregationalists helped them in return.

In telling of the early days in Jewell, Mrs. Hoon said, "We had no wells; water for cooking and drinking was carried from the nearby farms.  For washing and scrubbing, we melted snow or carried water from the big pond where the Federated Church and other buildings now stand."   The site for the church was chosen probably because it was cheap, for it was practically a slough and had to be filled in.  This was not done until later, so the church was often surrounded by a pond.   Rev. Hicks was the pastor as the church building was under construction.   When the foundation was being built, and was about half as high as it should be because they could not afford to build more, Mr. G. W. Quiggle, who was not yet a member of the church, said, "That will never do!   The water will come in to the church floor.   I will pay to have the foundation built higher, rather than see it left that way."    The girls of the church made a quilt and sold it to help pay for the large window in the front of the church.   They made candy and sold it at socials to help pay for the bell.

The Congregational Church building was completed in 1884 where the Federated UCC Church is now located, and of course, there was quite a debt which was not paid until during Rev. Darley's pastorate in 1919.

Published on the front page of The Jewell Record on May 12, 1889:
     Steps will soon be taken for the thorough repairing of the Congregational Church.   The workemen will probably begin next week.   Next Suday morning at the Congregational Church the pastor will speak upon the theme: "The Sunday School."   This is a timely topic.  All are invited.

     The Congregational Association for the state of Iowa meets in annual session at Atlantic, May 15 to 21.   Over three hundred and fifty churches are represented in this association.   Jewell Church will be represented by pastor and one lay delegate.

Published on page 5 of The Jewell Record on February 20, 1896:
     A series of special meetings will be commenced in the Congregational Church next Tuesday evening, February 25, to continue one week.   Rev. Clyde will conduct the meetings and you are most cordially invited to attend.
Gospel Meetings
     Beginning next Tuesday, February 25, there will be a short series of special meeting held at the Congregational Church.   The pastor will be assisted in this work by Rev. C. P. Boardman, of Webster City.   Mr. Boardman is a young man of ability who will present "the way of life" in a clear, pleasing manner.   Let all Christian people give their prayers and influence toward making these meetings a blessing to the life of the community.   All who can sing are urged to give their assistance.   A cordial welcome is extended to all.
   Alfred H. Sexe and Miss Lillie May Crowder were married at the Congregational parsonage, at Webster City, by the Rev. C. P. Boardman, on Wednesday, February 19, 1896.   Mr. Sexe is a son of Henry O. Sexe, who lives about one mile south of Jewell, and is highly spoken of by those who know him.   Miss Crowder has lived near Randall for many years and is known as a young lady of most extimable qualities.   Mr. and Mrs. Sexe will commence housekeeping soon on who is known as the Anton Johnson farm.   This worthy couple have gthe best wishes of all who know them.
Published on page 5 of The Jewell Record on September 10, 1896:
     The Rev. A. S. Willoughby, of Creston, Iowa, will preach two sermons in the Congregational Church next Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7:30 P.M.   All are invited to attend.

     One of the most pleasing entertainments ever held in the city was that given my Miss Lorence Monsen, of Story City, at the Congregational Church last Friday evening.   Miss Monsen is a young lady of pleasing appearance and is a thorough master of elocution - her pantomimes being especially fine.   The program was interspersed with instrumental music by Miss Edith Foster and Messrs. Coleman and Johnson, all of which was well received by the audience.   The attendance was not very large, but we can assure Miss Monsen that should she ever give another entertainment in Jewell, she will be greeted by a much larger audience.

Published on the front page of The Jewell Record on October 1, 1896:
Jewell Congregational Church
Rev. John P. Clyde - Services each alternate Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Sunday School at 10 a.m.   D. R. Warburton, Superintendent, and Mrs. Lura Clark, Secretary
Published on page 4 of The Jewell Record on August 25, 1899:
     Rev. C. A. Payne of Milwaukee will lecture on "Ten Thousand Miles of Travel" at the Congregational Church next Wednesday evening.   Mr. Payne was raised and Iowa boy, by his own efforts educated himself, has been active and successful in pulpit and platform.   He has spent much time in Europe and his lecture "Ten Thousand Miles of Travel" which gives the result of his life on the continent is one of the very best of its kind.   Rev. Payne has consented to give this lecture for the benefit of the Y. P. S. C. E. of Jewell and the proceeds will be applied by them on the new seats for the Congregational Church.
     Mr. Payne presents his lecture with the aid of the best stereopticon to be found in Chicago.   His theme is one with which he is able to entertain any audience.   Admission 25 and 15 cents.   Lecture begins at 8 o'clock.
Published on page 4 of The Jewell Record on November 24, 1899:
     Going to the best thing of the season, Monday night, at the Congregational Church?

    Don't miss the Wales Concert Co. at the Congregational Church next Monday evening.   Reserved seats at Snyder's - 25 and 35 cents.   Doors open at 7:300 p.m.  Entertainment at 8 o'clock.
     We have the best of assurance that the entertainment to be given at the Congregational Church next Monday evening is the best thing that ever visited Jewell, being one of the Webster City entertainments and going there under a large guarantee.   Having an open date on Monday, Nov. 27th, the kindly come to Jewell in connection with the Congregational Church.

Published in The Record on November 24, 1905:

     Seldom, if ever, in the history of Jewell has the passing away of a single individual caused such universal sorrow as did that of Rev. W. L. Brandt, who departed this life Wednesday afternoon, March 15, 1905, between the hours of four and five o'clock.   His sickness had been of such a short duration that it was almost impossible to realize that he was no more, that he would no more meet and greet us with that pleasing and winning confidence and good will of all with whom he came in contact.   As the sad news spread, it cast a gloom over the entire community, as all, from the little children of the public school, to the college student and business men of the town felt that in him they had a personal friend.   Coming to Jewell less than eighteen months ago, he knew the people much better, perhaps, than many who had resided here for years, as he was ever in search of the sick, the sorrowful and the suffering that he might comfort and cheer.   His life was truly a ministry of good works.   As pastor of the Congregational Church since October of 1903, he has ever been a faithful consistent worker for the advancement of Christ's Kingdom upon earth.   He was spiritually minded and always exhorted his people by earnest effort and eloquent appeal to live pure, clean, devoted lives.   He has gone to his reward but his good works in Jewell, as well as elsewhere, will live after him.   "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord."
     Rev. Hughes, an old time friend, preached the funeral sermon, giving extracts culled from the notes of Rev. Brandt himself, upon the rewards of a Christian life.   This sermon was a benediction of comfort and consolation to the sorrowing ones.

      Wesley L. Brandt was born Nov. 1st, 1842, in Fairfield County, Ohio, and lived there with his parents until 1863 when he enlisted in Company C, 17th Ohio, Army of the Cumberland.   He served faithfully during the remainder of the war taking part in all of the campaigns of his army.   Loyalty to country was a passion with him.   He came of a family of soldiers and no one who has heard him from the pulpit could doubt his genuine patriotism and love of country.   On Nov. 21, 1865, he was united in marriage with Amelia J. Ashbrook, the faithful companion who still survives him.   He continued to live in Fairfield County, Ohio, until the spring of 1883, when with his family he removed to Polk County, Iowa.    There he purchased a farm in the vicinity of Polk City upon which he resided until his entrance into the ministry in 1889.   At this time he accepted a call to the pastorate of the Congregational Church at Baxter, Iowa.   He was afterward in charge of the congregational churches of Reinbeck, Doon, Kellogg, Mitchelville and Jewell, and in all of these places the churches prospered through his noble Christian efforts.   He was called to his reward March 15 of the present year after a brief illness of two weeks duration.

This is a portion of the complete obituary which you may view and read.

Published on page 6 of The Jewell Record on November 9, 1905:
     The Congregational, Methodist and Christian churches are preparing for a Union Thanksgiving Service on the eve of Thanksgiving at the Congregational Church, sermon by Rev. J. J. Williams.   Full program will be announced later.
Published on page 5 of The Jewell Record on November 16, 1905:
               Thanksgiving Service

The Union Thanksgiving Service will be held this year in the Congregational Church at 8 p.m.
Opening song service
Prayer by Rev. W. C. Cole (Christian Church)
Reading president's proclamation by Prof. Gardiner
Anthem, Christian Choir
Reading governor's proclamation by Rev. W. C. Cole
Responsive reading let by Rev. E. A. Munger (Congregational Church) 
Anthem, Congregational Choir
Sermon by Rev. J. F. Williams (Methodist Church)
Closing Song

Everybody will be cordially welcomed at this service and Christian people are urged to plan to be there.
Published on page 5 of The Jewell Record on October 24, 1907:
     The ladies of the Congregational Church will take everybody who wants to go around the world a week from next Saturday night for the small sum of 25 cents.
      Four foreign countries will be visited, and at each one, refreshments of the country will be served by ladies attired in costumes of the country.   The places representing each of these countries will be decorated and arranged in harmony with the land it represents.   The company finally will be returned from their visits to Denmark, China, Germany and Ireland to Washington, D. C., where they will be welcomed home by Uncle Sam, George and Martha Washington and the Goddess of Liberty, and will be treated to a chicken pie supper.
     Next week the ladies will announce the character of the entertainment to be offered at each of the places visited.   Watch for their further announcements and do not gorget the date.   You cannot afford to miss this treat.
Published in The Jewell Record on December 23, 1909:

View the page showing 1909 Christmas news at the churches of Jewell.

Published on page 5 of The Jewell Record on January 4, 1911:

Movement Under Way in Jewell Towards Union of
Christian, Congregational and Methodist Churches as One Church Body

May organize as Presbyterian

     There is a movement on foot in Jewell this week that may finally result in the union of three of the churches of the town into one of a different denomination than any of the three.   The projects has not yet reached the stage where anything certain can be stated, but it seems possible that the Christian, Congregational and Methodist churches may all be united as one denomination, the Presbyterian, and at all events, the Congregational and Methodist churches will probably consolidate.
     Ever since the union revival meetings of last month, there has been a feeling of union and harmony existing between the membership of these three churches such as has never before existed.   It is a matter of common knowledge that Jewell has too many churhes, more than the town can support.   The membership of none of the three churches is strong enough to pay pastors the salaries they ought to have, and the burden of supporting three denominations, none of them with a strong membership, has been a heavy one.   Immediately upon the close of the union meetings the pastors and members of the churches began the talk of a permanent union.   The sentiment seemed very favorable towards such a step.   Never befoe has there seemed to be so little denominational feeling evident and on every hand seemed to exist the desire for co-operation and closer relationships.   The meetings at all three churches have been almost altogether of a union nature ever since the evangelistic meetings, first one church, then the other and then the third making overtures towards union services.   The feeling of harmony between all three churches has been a splendid one.
     Out of it all developed a meeting Turesday night of thei week, attended by fifteen men, members of the Methodist and Congregational churches.   No repreentative of the Christian Church membership was present, but that fact is not taken as signifying that there are none of the membership of that church desiring union.   Committees were appointed, Joh Foster to canvas the membership of the Methodist Episcopal Church, L. G. M. King the membership of the Congregational Church, and Otto Fenton and John Groves to canvas others who hae not yet placed their membership with any of the three churches.   The plan adopted is to organize as a denomination different from any of the three now existing, and the Presbyterian was selected as one upon which all might unite.   It was felt that greater harmony would result by such a step than by attempting to unite the three churches into any one of the present denominations.
     As the matter stands at the present time, it seems very evident that the Congregational and Methodist churches at least will unite to organize one church.   The members of the Christian Church, with probably has a trifle stronger membership at the present time than either of the other two, are not yet taking any active steps towards union, but a strong sentiment exists among a portion of the Christian Church membership, that may result, after further consideration of the proposition, in bringing that church too into the union movement.
     If the project as it is being developed should result in the union of all three churches into one strong church body, it will without doubt mean a very great deal for Jewell.   In place of three struggling churches, there will be one strong church, which, with the present strong Lutheran churches, will be ample for the town.   The three congregations will be working in harmony and the result of their efforts will be bound to be far larger.   Three churches, agreeing in the all-important matter of preaching the same Gospel and worshiping the same God but differing in minor matters of form of government and less essential matters of creed, means division where there should be united effort.   Especially in such a case as exists in Jewell where the field warrants only one church instead of three, the differences naturally become more pronouced between church denominations.   Were the field amply large to fully support all three churches, three separate denominations could work together in greater harmony than is possible under present conditions.   The lack of sufficient numbers to warrant division intensifies differences when the division exists.
     The Record welcomes the movement towards church union, and sincerely hopes that the ultimate result may be a union of these three denominations into one, and the resulting permanent continuation of the present feeling of harmony and union that seems to prevail.
This article published on the front page of The Jewell Record on January 11, 1911

Held Annual Church Meeting
Gongregationalist Met Last Thurday to Close Year's Affairs.
All Reports Satisfactory

     The members of the Congregational Church met at the church Thursday evening of last week for their annual business meeting.   The attendance was by a wide margin the largest that has gathered at the annual meeting for several years.   A bountiful supper was served by the ladies as only the ladies of the Congregational Church can -- at least the men of that church most vigorously so declare -- after which the business meeting was held.   The reports from each department and auxiliary of the church were in every respect completely satisfactory, showing good work done during the year and finances in good shape. 

     Church officers for the coming year were elected as follows: L. G. M. King, trustee, J. S. Smith and C. A. Pfund, deacons, F. G. Snyder, treasurer, E. G. Clark, clerk, Bess Sidenstucker, chorister, Harold Slater, pianist, Richard Snyder and Harry O' Conner, ushers, C. A. Pfund, Sunday School superintendent, Att. Alexander, Sunday School treasurer, and Lyle Sidenstucker, Sunday School secretary.

This next article was published in The Jewell Record on November 5, 1914
(View that news article.)
Congregational Church Notes
     There will be no Bible Study this Thursday night as the minister expects to be absent at that time.   The services for next Sunday are worthy of your attention.   They are as follows:
     10 a.m. - Sunday School -- a Character School for the young people.   The Chicago Herald said last summer, "No one is too old to attend Sunday School."   How about you, reader?
     11 a.m. - Sermon Subject, "How to Pray",   "Who Can Pray",  and "The Power of Prayer".   Every earnest sincere Christian will make it a point to be present to hear this (I refer to the parish).   We all need more prayer.
     7:30 p.m. - another Character Sketch will be delivered at this service entitled "Eve, the first lady of the ages".   Come and hear it.   You will like it.  You may learn much about the early ages of Creation.

     We rejoice to see the increasing numbers of young people who make up the evening audiences.   It is good for us to have them and it is good for them to be here with us because we are convinced they receive inestimable benefit from our services.   Let more come to the home-like church.

R. G. Heddon, Minister
This next article was published on the front page of The Jewell Record on November 11, 1920:
Rev. Darley Resigns Congregational Pastorate

     Rev. Edw. L. Darley last Sunday forenoon presented his congregation his resignation as pastor of the Congregational Church in Jewell, effective December 1st.   Rev. Darley will move to Mitchellville, Iowa, having accecpted the pastorate of the Congregational Church at that place, at a salary of $1700. a year and parsonage furnished.   The Mitchellville congregation pays his moving expenses.
     Rev. and Mrs. Darley have a family of five daughters, three of whom are in the public schools here, but will all enter the schools at Mitchellville the first of the coming month.   Their two older daughters are in college, one at Coe College at Cedar Rapids, and the other at Illinois College at Jacksonville, Ill.   Rev. Darley had three calls from among which to choose when he decided to resign the pastorate here, and since accepting the call to Mitchellville, he has received a fourth call.
     Mitchellville is a town of about the same size as Jewell and has a strong Congegational Church.   The congregation owns a fine modern parsonage building and a splendid brick church building.   The church has a large auditorium, Sunday School room, and pulpit and choir loft on the main floor, and in the basement, a well fitted room and kitchenette.   Mitchellville is located on the Interurban 18 miles east of Des Moines.
     Rev. Darley came to Jewell a year ago last January, lacking one month of two years' service here.   In that time, he has received 16 new memberships into the church, 12 of them by baptism, and the Sunday School membership has grown from 80 to 146.   The church has in that time also paid off its building indebtedness of $850.
     The Record joins with the many good friends in this community of Rev. Darley and his family in wishing them success and happiness in their new home.

     Later in 1920, the Jewell Methodist Church (organized in 1883) and this Congregational Church (also organized in 1883) federated and worshiped together in this Congregational Church building.   Further federation between the two churches came in 1938, when some of the indebtedness was cleared up and the church property was deeded to the federation.   On December 8, 1920, the two Aid Societies merged.   The federation grew in 1933 when the Christian Church joined the Federated corporation.


     In 1938, negotiations were closed for a transfer of ownership of this Congregational Church property, lots and church building, to the local Federated Church of Jewell corporation.

About Jewell