Jewell Historical Society
Jewell Catholic Church

     The Good Shepherd Catholic church was established in Jewell in 1898.   The first church building was constructed in 1899 on Hoffman Street.   This church was built under the supervision of Fathr H. C. Echart, the second resident priest of St. Peter and Paul's church of Gilbert, Iowa.   However, prior to the construction of the church, Mass was celebrated in private homes in the Jewell area, and other services were held in a small Jewell store building.   At that time, priests from State Center and Boone, Iowa, came and held Mass.

     The first marriage at the church was Henry Roskrof and Anna Zeihan on December 28, 1900.   The fist baptism was Ida Zeihan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Zeihan.  She was later known as Mrs. William Koop.

     In 1935, the congregation bought the old Christian Church building which had closed because of the congregation's federation with the Methodist Church and Congregational Church.   This church was an improvement for the members, as it was larger, had a basement, lights and water.   There were 10 or 11 families at that time.   May 31, 1936, Father William J. McGovern celebrated the first Mass in this newly remodeled church building.

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This photo (courtesy of the family of Connie Reese) shows the Good Shepherd Catholic Confirmation Class of 1957.

     Work on a new church building was stated in October of 1971, and the new building was dedicated with special services held in February of 1972.   From 1899, the pastorate has been supplied by St. Peter and Paul's church until if became a Mission of St. Mary's parish of Williams in August of 1976, with Father Clarence Kruse of Williams serving as its administator.

     The top 1953 photo of the original 1899 Jewell Catholic Church was located on the west side of Hoffman Street (known today as the south portion of Collins Street) on the second lot north of Johnson Street.   Later, the chuch occupied the former Christian Church building located on the Northeast corner of Edwards and Deckor Streets.   In 1972 a newer church structure, seen above, was constructed in the same location.

The Good Shepherd Catholic Center of Jewell is decommissioned.

The Good Shepherd Catholic Worship Center in Jewell has now been decommisioned and is used for other purposes.

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