Contact the Jewell Historical Society
Our Mission Statement

      The mission of the Jewell Historical Society, operating through the Jewell History Museum, is to connect the present generation to the history of Jewell, Iowa, inspiring a deeper appreciation and understanding of the community's rich heritage.

     The Society, through its Museum, accomplishes this by providing exhibitions and programs that enable its users to understand and learn from the past in ways that enrich their present lives and help them to shape a better future.

Vision Statement

     The Jewell History Museum, operated by the Jewell Historical Society, will be the community’s preeminent center for the collection, preservation and interpretation of historical items, artifacts and documents important to the town’s history and heritage.

     Because of the volunteer status of our organization, we are always ready to welcome new volunteers.   We are always in need of people to help with every facet, from janitorial & building management to museum docents, from taking photos and videos to being board or committee menbers.

If you think you would enjoy helping the us with museum issues or other facets of our work, please contact one of us!

Jewell Historical Society Announces Society Memberships

         The Jewell Historical Society is inviting Jewell residents and any other interested individuals to support the Society (and the Jewell History Museum) by becoming Members of the organization.  Memberships will be available for renewal annually at several levels of support.   The Jewell Historical Society is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt, charitable organization.

A number of individuals have already “signed on” in this capacity.  Also, there are some who have been contributing regularly for several months.  All 2018 members have been recognized on the Charter Membership plaque.   Memberships help to maintain the operation of the Jewell History Museum, including the cost of utilities (which average around $250 per month) and costs associated with readying donated items for display.

The Jewell Historical Society is working to catalog, preserve and display items such as articles, documents, photographs etc. which are important to the history and heritage of Jewell Junction, Iowa.

Please consider joining the Jewell Historical Society as a Member.   Just click the box below, fill out the information and mail it to the address indicated.  And consider also maintaining a membership in the years to come.

(Click for PDF charter membership form.)

(click for PDF membership form)

Dick Steffen, collections curator of Jewell Historical Society

The front page of a July 2023 issue of the South Hamilton Record News
had a Hidden Gems article telling about Dick Steffen and his passion of recording Jewell History.
Click to enlarge
For esier reading of this article, you can see a larger version with a click.