- The Jewell Christian Church -
Northeast corner of Edwards & Deckor Streets

It was in the News:
The Jewell Record News published this article on September 22, 1905:

     Rev. Cole, pastor of the Christian church at Stanhope, has accepted a call to the pastorate of the Christian church in Jewell and will appear in the pulpit a week from Sunday.   Rev. Cole comes well recommended and will be cordially welcomed by the people of Jewell.

The Jewell Record News published this article on May 10, 1906:

     Rev. On last Sunday evening Rev. W. C. Cole spoke in the Christian church on the "Four Sad Evils of Jewell and Their Remedy."   A splendid audience was present to hear him.   The sad evils were as follows: first, "Sin"; secondly, "Disease"; thirdly, "Death"; fourthly, "Grave."   The only remedy that can be called a safe remedy, argued the speaker, is Jesus Christ who is the Great Physician.   Through the power of His Gospel man has the promise of conquering each of these sad evils.

Published in The Jewell Record on December 23, 1909:

View the page showing 1909 Christmas news of churches in Jewell

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This 1910 Postcard view of Deckor Street in Jewell shows the Jewell Christian Church.

The Jewell Record News published this article on November 3, 1910:

     Preaching each alternate Lord's Day at eleven o'clock and every Lord's Day evening.   Bible school at ten o'clock.   No regular minister at present but supplies will be furnished.

     Anson Brown, of Boone, will preach at the Church of Christ next Sonday, Nov. 6, both morning and evening.   He is an able speaker and the public is invited to hear him.

     The Ladies Aid society of the Christian church will meet with Mrs. Samuel S. Stark Thursday, Nov. 10th.   Mrs. Stark is desirous of having a large attendance.

     The Christian church expects to begin a series of protracted meetings about the middle of December.   The services of an evangelist will be secured.

     The Christian church will perfect plans this winter for building a parsonage, the renting of a suitable house for a minister being absolutely out of the question.

This next news article was published in the Record News on January 4, 1911.

The Jewell Record News published this article on November 3, 1910:

     At the quarterly gathering of the L. A. S. of the Christian church, which was held at the home of F. R. Jenkins, Thursday night of last week, netted the sum of $10.00, which is used for missionary purposes.

     The officers of the church of Christ held a meeting recently to decide the building of a parsonage and there was raised over $700, which is a fine starter.

     There were two large audiences at the Christian Church Sunday at the forenoon and afternoon services.   There were no services in the evening.

     The Christian congregation had eight different photographs taken Sunday of the people, the building, and Bible School classes.

     There will be regular services at the Christian church next Sunday.   Preaching at eleven o'clock and eight o'clock in the evening.

The Jewell Record News published this article on August 12, 1915:

     Rev. W. C. Cole, of Osceola, former pastor of the Christian church here, is meeting with splendid success in the evangelistic meetings he is holding at the Christian church.   Up to Monday night of the week 24 additions to the church were reported.   Monday afternoon seven were baptized and Tuesday afternoon twelve others were baptized.   The weather conditions were very unfavorable last week, but the fair weather and better roads of the past few days has resulted in largely increased attendance and in a great deal more interest in the meetings.

     The special meeting for men only last Sunday afternoon was well attended, it being estimated that over 150 men were present.   Next Sunday afternoon at three o'clock a special meeting for ladies and girls will be held.   The men's meeting last Sunday was a helpful and inspiring service and the special meeting for ladies next Sunday is looked forward to as one of the good services of the series of meetings.

     Tuesday evening of the week was made a special Stanhope service, a large delegation from the Christian church at Stanhope dirving over in autos and attending the service in a body.   The visiting delegation were seated together in seats specially reserved for them.

     This Thursday evening is to be a Mothers' Meeting, special services being held tonight in honor of the Mothers.

     The services will close Thursday night of next week, Rev. and Mrs. Cole leaving then for Malta Bend, Mo., Mr. Cole's old home town, where he will conduct evangelistic services.

     A social will be held at the Christian Church on New Year's Eve. at 7:00 o'clock, to which the entire Sunday School is invited.   This entertainment is being provided by the defeated team in the recent Sunday School contest, in which the red side defeated the blue side.
The above news article was published in The Jewell Record on December 30, 1920
     The Willing Workers of the Christian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Swan Wednesday afternoon, January 26th.
Mrs. Swan and Mrs. Sumers will serve.   All are cordially invited.
The above news article was published in The Jewell Record on January 20, 1921
Christian Church Notice of January 30

     Next Sunday immediately after Sunday School, there will be a business meeting to plan for the coming year, which is now already elapsed one month.   So please bear this in mind and avail yourself of this opportunity to plan both financially and spiritually for the work of our Lord and Master.   Hoping every member will be present so we may complete our work and get our shoulder against the wheel and work in harmony.

Church Clerk
The above news article was published in The Jewell Record on January 27, 1921
     We are very much pleased with the splendid interest and fine spirit that is being manifested in our Red and Blue Contest in the Bible School.   We have a splendid group of loyal, intelligent, consecrated teachers, and if you are not studying the Word of God in some other Bible School, we extend to you the priveleges of our school.

     The pastor's morning theme "in the Presence of the Most High".   In the evening, "The Wonder Working Jesus".   We shall be more than glad to have you worship with us in the House of God.   F. M. Lindenmeyer, Pastor

The above news article was published in The Jewell Record on February 3, 1921
from our archives:

The Jewell Christian Church in 1933 was the new member joining the previous federation of the Jewell Methodist Church with the Jewell Congregational Church, making a combination of three congregations who would worship together in the Congregational building as the Jewell Federated Church.