Should there be a Swimming Pool in Jewell?
Because at that time there was no safe place to swim in Jewell, this 1957 article published in the Ellsworth News
tells of Jewell kids taking swimming lessons after riding a bus to Webster City:
In 1961, a proprosal to include a pool is found in the bond issue for the new South Hamilton School School:
This next news article was published June 14, 1961:
Click for complete article
(Click above article for June 14 news article showing more.)
Although a bond issue for a school did finally pass, there was no pool in that plan.

Citizens of Jewell did feel a need to have a municipal pool.
News article published March 7, 1963:  Petitions bearing well over the required number of signatures were filed with the town council Monday evening calling for an election on a $65,000 municipal swimming pool bond issue.   Proponents said the large number of signatures - 267 was highly encouraging.   The council is expected to act on the petition at its next meeting, with the possibility of holding an election early next month.
April 4, 1963:  Jewell voters will go to the polls Monday to ballot on the proposed issuance of $65,000 in bonds to construct a municipal pool.
April 25, 1963:  Jewell voters approved a $65,000 swimming pool bond issue 305-82.
February 16, 1964:  Bids are being taken for the construction of the Jewell swimming pool.
February 20, 1964:                Contract Let On Municipal Pool
      Jewell's town council Monday evening let the contract for construction of a municipal swimming pool and gave the go-ahead signal for an early commencement of work of the project.    The contract was awarded to Weldon Brothers Contracting company of Iowa Falls, the only bidder, at $59,210.   Jewell voters last fall had approved a $65,000 bond issue so the contracted amount was within available funds.  As a previously scheduled hearing and letting the council rejected the two bids submitted at that time and set the new letting for Feb. 17.  The amounts of the two rejected proposals were not announced.   No objectors to the project appeard at either hearing.
     Mayor R. H. Ahrens said after conferences with the engineering firm, Jon McClure of Jefferson, and with the contractors, that it is planned to start construction about the middle of April if the weather permits.   The contract sets August 1 as the completion date but it is possible the pool cold be finished by the middle of July, he said.   The pool will be located south of Park street, adjacent to the Boy Scout property.
February 27, 1964:          Construction Details Announced for Swim Pool
     The contract has been let, construction is to be started as soon as the wether permits and completed by August 1.  So what will Jewell's projected swimming pool be like?   Here are some of the details as gleaned from the plans and specifications:
The $59,210 total construction under the contract is broken down into $42,860 for general construction, $14,000 for mechanical and plumbing and $2,350 for electrical.
     Estimated patronage which may be expected on the basis of area population figures:  Jewell, 1113;  Ellsworth, 246;  Stanhope, 231;  Randall, 100;  Kamrar, 134;  rural, 175;  with a total of 1,999.   Location: south of Park street, adjacent to the Boy Scout property.   The fan-shaped pool will measure 30 feet wide at deep end and 50 feet wide at the shallow end and will be 82.5 feet long.   This will provide 3300 square feet of surface area.   The depth of the pool will vary from 3 feet at the shallow end to the depth of 11 feet in the diving area.   The deck width will be 12 feet along each side of the pool, with 25 feet at the shallow end and 16 feet at the deep end.   This will provide 4700 square feet of deck area.   The pool will provide 2234 square feet for non-swimmers and 1064 square feet of diving area.   The diving zone will extend 31.5 feet from the deep end wall.
     The main pool and wading pool will be of reinforced concrete with adequate construction joints, and water stops, to prevent subsequent cracking.   A scum gutter will be constructed completely around the perimeter of the pool for surface skimming and to provide a hand-hold for climbing out of the pool.   The bathhouse will be constructed of concrete block with a byperbolic parabolpoid roof over the check room and storage area.   It will include the check room and storage room to be located in the center, dressing rooms to either side and public toilets to conform with state health requirements.
     Pool fixtures will include two diving boards to be located at the north end of the pool with an area of 250 square feet for three persons in water and nine persons on deck for each board, one three meter, the other one meter.   The diving zone will extend the 31.5 feet from the end wall.   Other fixtures are life guard chairs to be located on the west side of pool, in line with additional lifeline anchors, ladders, depth markers, outdoor lighting and a chain link fence wich will enclose the entire area.
     The filter area is to be located off the deep end of the pool, at an elevation about four to five feet below the deck area.   The site will be served by all municipal utilities such as water, gas, sanitary sewer, electricity and drainage.   The bottom of the pool will be pained white with black lines marking four racing lanes.  Side walks will be painted blue.   This painting scheme is intended to provide additional clarity in the pool, while imparting the characteristic blue color.   The deck surrounding the pool will be of concrete with broom finish to provide a non-slip surface and scored in each direction to afford a patio effect.
April 9, 1964:  Jewell has started getting ready for the new municipal swimming pool which it hopes to have in use by August 1st.   Laying the water lines have been completed, trenching for sewer will begin on Wednesday.
May 21, 1964:  Work is progressing steadily on Jewell's new municipal swimming pool despite occasional adverse weather.   Foreman Vernon Bennett said walls on the deep end will be put in next week.
April 23, 1964:  An eight inch sewer and line of clay tile with an o-ring seal was completed last Friday for the Jewell swimming pool by Nelson and Sons of Story City.   Work started April 8th on the 500-foot line which extends 355 feet south of Division St. and 145 feet east on Park Street.

    The Jewell Municipal Pool did open Sunday July 26, 1964.   Pool manager was Richard Lau.   Lifeguards were Don Carlson, Marcene Severson, Neola Hill, and Barbara Nelson.   Pool cashier was Tom Monteith, Jr.
News article published July 30, 1964:  Mayor Bob Ahrens, who with Councilman Bob Martin made the event official by taking the first plunge, said everything went along "just swimmingly."   Remaining work of the project includes painting the roof and bathhouse interior, installation of shower heads and stalls in the women's dressing room and later on, landscaping, additional sidewalks and placing bleachers on the west side of the pool.

August 3, 1964:  It quite a day Sunday for the small fry and adults, too - the opening of Jewell's Municipal swimming pool.   More than 400 swimmers, paddlers and bathers tried out the new pool for the first time.

Click to enlarge

News article published August 6, 1964:  Five hundred and fifty-six persons patronized the newly-opened Jewell Municipal Swimming Pool on last Sunday's hot afternoon and evening, according to pool records.   Pool attendants said 2,812 children and adults made use of the pool the first week it was in operation.

July 14, 1966:  With the thermometer registering more than 100 degrees, the Jewell swimming pool had its biggest day attendance wise, Sunday, since it opened last year.   Seven hundred twenty-two persons, children and adults, visited the pool during the day according to attendance records of Marcene Severson, pool manager.

July 6, 1967:  Judith Danielson is the head lifeguard at the Jewell swimming pool with Larry Hodson and Marcia Ahrens as other lifeguards.   The pool is under the management of Francis LeMaster, who reported there was a total of 4,117 swimmers during the month of June.

News article published on September 2, 1976:  Jewell pool closes; 11, 871 total attendance

     The Jewell Municipal Pool closed last Wednesday after a most successful summer.   The summer's extremely dry weather resulted in the pool being closed only three afternoons all summer, according to pool manager, Francis LeMaster.

     With a total summer attendance of 11,871 the pool has been a popular place for both young and old.   July proved to be the big month with 5,589 swimmers during the 31 days of that month.

     The article below, also published September 2, shows the lifeguards for the season included Kendra Staples, Patty Soma, and Kathy Graham.   Delayna Staples served as the basket girl.

News article published May 26, 1977:   Jewell Pool to Open June 3
     Jewell swimming pool manager, Francis LeMaster announces Friday, June 3 as the opening date for the pool.   Lifeguards will be Kathy Graham, Mona Dass, Craig Ringstad and Tammy Alvestad with Delayna Staples as basket girl.   All prices will remain the same as last year on general admissions and season tickets.  Parents wanting group swimming lessons for their children are asked to register for them at the pool on Wednesday and Thursday, June 1 and 2 from 1:00-4:00 p.m.

June 9, 1977:       Adult swimming lessons planned
     The South Hamilton Community School Adult Education through the cooperation of Iowa Central Community College will be offering adult beginning swimming starting June 13, 5 to 6 p.m. at the Jewell City Pool.   Instructor is Alan Spohnheimer.   The fee is $7.80, the length is six Mondays and six Wednesdays.   Adult Intermediate swimming will be arranged if enough interest.   Coll Roger Volkmann to register.

June 23, 1977:      Lifesaving classes at Jewell pool are scheduled
      Classes for junior and senior lifesaving will be given at the Jewell Swimming Pool with a possible starting date yet in June.  Alan Spohnheimer, W. S. I., will conduct the classes for those 11-14 and 15-adult, and asks that all interested persons please pre-register with the pool manager immediately so that classes might be arranged and the starting date announced.

Two swimmers at the Jewell Pool are preparing to jump in and try disrobing to their swimwear in order to make their shirts and jeans into flotation devices.   This was a requirement for the Boy Scout swimming merit badge and also for Red Cross lifesaving classes.

News article published June 23, 1979:   Swimming Pool Opens Plagued With Water Problems
     Tentative plans call for the Jewell swimming pool to open on Sunday, June 3 at 1:30 p.m.    Problems with the town water pressure has slowed the pool filling and the unusually cool May weather has kept the water temperature at a low level, so weather conditions this week will be the determinging factor as to the opening date.   Manager Francis LeMaster announced the personnel will include Mona Dass, Laurie Textor, Craig Ringstad and Delayna Staples as lifeguards and Mark LeMaster as cashier.   Admission prices will be .50 cents for children and $1.00 per adult for individuals and $12 and $25 for season tickets.   Pool personnel will be at the office on Friday and Saturday afternoons, June 1 and 2 from 1-4 p.m. to sell season tickets and to sign up children for small group and private swim lessons.

May 29, 1980:       Jewell Swimming Pool Opens
          The Jewell Swimming Pool will open June 1 at 1:30 p.m., the water temperature permitting, according to Pool Manager Francis LeMaster.   Daily admission rates are 50 cents for swimmers pre-school through graduating seniors and $1.00 for adults.   Season ticket prices include $12.00 for individuals and $25.00 for a family ticket.   There is no charge for the baby pool, but very close monitoring of attendance there will be made, as children will not be admitted to the baby pool unless acompanied and supervised by an adult.   Along this same line, parents should take special not that preschoolers must be attended by an adult to be admitted to the large pool.   Group swim lessons will be offered the weeks of June 23 through June 28 and June 30 through July 3, with 10 lessons given for an $8 fee.   Registration and fee payment will be taken before lessons begin.   Private lessons ust be arranged with guards Lauri Textor, DeLayna Staples, Gail Ahrens and Mark LeMaster according to their available scheduling.   Junior and Senior Watersafety instruction will be offered if there is enough interest to form classes, so it is hoped that all interested in such lessons will register at the pool office the first week in June.

July 3, 1980:           Jewell Pool Sponsors "Swim for Heart"
     A special "Swim For Heart" Swim-A-Thon will be held at the Jewell Swimming Pool on Wednesday, July 16, between the hours of 2:00 and 4:00.   Each swimmer will be securing sponsors who will contribute a given amount for each length of the pool they complete.   If it is not convenient for you to swim at the assigned time, you may arrange to swim at a different time by contacting the pool manager.
     Prizes will be awarded to the person bringing in the most money within two weeks after the swim as follows: 1st Prize, AM-FM radio; 2nd Prize, transistor radio; and all swimmers bringing in $25.00 in pledges will receive a Swim-A-Thon T-shirt.   All contributions are tax-deductible.
     Additional activities at the Jewell pool will include Junior and Senior Lifesaving classes to be given during the weeks of July 14 and July 21, with Alan Spohnheimer as instructor.   Junior swimmers must be 11 years of age and seniors must be 15 years of age.   A fee to cover costs of instructional materials and use of pool facilities will be charged.   Everyone interested in these classes should sign up at the pool by July 9 so that necessary materials will be obtained.   For further information check with pool office personnel.
     An innovation in pool operation is the invitation to adults to swim during the three hourly 10 minute rest breaks at the pool.   These breaks are at: 2:50-3:00, 3:50-4:00, and 4:50-5:00.   During these times young swimmers are asked to clear the pool for a much-needed rest, leaving the pool free for more relaxed adult swimming.

 (You may click to enlarge.)

June 4, 1981:         Red Cross lessons offered
     Red Cross swimming lessons, along with Junior and Senior Lifesaving  classes will be offered at the Jewell Swimming Pool this summer.   Swimming lessons will be given during the two weeks of June 22-26 and July 6-10 (allowing a one-week break while several of the instructors will be on the high school band trip).   Lifesaving classes are tentatively set for July 10-23, with Mary Welp as instructor.   Swimmers over 11 years may take Junior classes with Senior classes offered to those over 15 years.   Fees for these offerings includes: Senior Lifesaving - $15.00 without season ticket, $7.50 with season ticket; Junior Lifesaving - $12.00 without season ticket, $6.00 with season ticket; School-age Swim Lessons - $10.00 without season ticket, $5.00 with season ticket; Preschoolers' lessons - $6.00 without season ticket, $3.00 with season ticket.   Parents are asked to register their children for these Red Cross lessons before June 12 so that classes may be arranged.

May 20, 1982:           Jewell Swim Pool
    The Jewell Municipal swimming pool is scheduled to open the week following the dismissal of school for the summer.   According to pool manager Francis LeMaster, three of the lifeguards from last year will be returning for this season.   They are Gail Ahrens, Shelli Bjustrom, and Mark LeMaster.   In addition these three will be joined by a new lifeguard, Jennifer Marculus.  Sharing the duties inside will be Sarah Frette and Carol Textor.   Admission rates will remain the same as last year.   Extensive repair work has been done this past year with some yet to be completed.   The balance which needs to be completed has been all but impossible due to the rainy weather experienced recently.

Swimming lessons began this week at the Jewell pool and will run for two weeks.
Instructors are LaDonna Conaway - non-dunkers, Sara Frette - dunkers, Anna Marie LeMaster - floaters
Tom Textor  beginning swimmers, and Bob Espeland - advanced swimmers.

News article published May 28, 1987:   Jewell pool to open
     Francis LeMaster, swimming pool manager, announces that weather and pool conditions permitting, the pool will open for a one-day trial on Sunday, May 31, with full-time operating beginning Wednesday, June 3.   Pool hours remain the same as last year, 1-8:30 p.m., as do ticket prices.   Lifeguards for the season include Teresa Lowe, Pam Schweppe, Tom Textor ad Mark LeMaster.

May 18, 1989:    The pool applications were discussed at the city council meeting with Francis LeMaster.   The employees to be hired for the summer of 1989 season at the Jewell Swimming Pool were decided.   The regular lifeguards will be Carolyn Marcalus, Jay Klaber, Staci Klein, Laura Rininger, and Tom Textor.   The substitute lifeguards will be Matt Marcarlus, Tom Klaver, Melissa Vust, Emily Gordon and Kelly Garner.  The full time widow people will be Amy Rininger and Rebecca Bolluyt, and the substitute window people will be Amy Hested and Steffani Klein.

Jewell Pool to open May 30

     The Jewell Swimming Pool is set to open at 1:00 p.m. May 30th and there will be a few changes when the swimmers hit the water this summer.   The biggest change is that there will be a new pool manager this summer.

     Kim Bloem has been hired by the City of Jewell to run the operation this season and if preseason preparations are any indication this summer should be a fun and safe one.   Bloem recently completed her Water Safety Instructors course and is now a certified WSI.   That means that she not only oversees the lifeguards but trains them in lifesaving techniques as well.

     Another change that the public will notice is that the lifeguards will be in uniforms which will make them easily identifiable.   Bloem has hired nine guards for the season.   They are:  Amber Blomgren, Kelly Eittreim, Holly Hanson, Hesston Johnson, Maura Klein, Jenny Kubichek, Megan Martin, Angie Monthei and Tony Pederson.

     The cost of swimming at the pool will also change.   Because the city now has to charge sales tax on pool admission the cost will rise slightly.   An adult pass will be $1.75 per day and a student pass will cost $1.25.   Punch tickets will be $11.25 for students and $15.25 for adults.

     Bloem is also planning to offer party nights and infant swim lessons from July 6-17 as well as Red Cross swim lessos.   Lessons will cost $15.

Pool Staff for the Summer of 2000

Front row left to right: Heather Enzian, lifeguard; Katie Lund, lifeguard; Ellen Wagner, window

Second row: Lori Arnold, pool manager; Felicia Buck, lifeguard; Linday Feldman, lifeguard; Kendra Meyer, lifeguard; Liz Bourquin, lifeguard; Eric Brant, lifeguard; Sue Johnson, Assistant Manager

Back row: Michael Holtan, lifeguard; Kristin Lindaman, lifeguard; Ashley Hockman lifeguard; Kelly Eittreim, head lifeguard; Jamie Lund, window; Will Shelton, lifeguard.   Absent at time of photo: Bernie Bell, maintenance.

Pool Staff for the Summer of 2002

Front row left to right: Nick Miller - lifeguard, Kellie Gustafson - window, Jenna Krause - window,
                                     Jenna Krause - window, Kristin Lindaman - head lifeguard

Second row: Matt Miller - lifeguard, Chase Dickinson - lifeguard, Ashley Hockman - head lifeguard,
                              Krissy Lunde - lifeguard, Felicia Buck - lifeguard, Kendra Meyer - lifeguard,
                                   Linday Feldman - lifeguard, Christa Vulgamott - window

Back row from left: Dustin Kniffen - window, Steven Lindseth - window, Kylie Thompson - lifeguard,
                              Jean Shelton - lifeguard, Katie Lund - lifeguard, Ellen Wagner - lifeguard
                                         Jamie Lund - lifeguard, Heather Enzian - lifeguard

Absent at time of photo: Lori Arnold - manager, Amy Barquist - manager, Bernie Bell - maintenance

Pool Staff for the Summer of 2003

Front row left to right: Katie Roys - Assistant Manager, Ashley Hockman - lifeguard, Felicia Buck - lifeguard,
                                           Kellie Gustafson - window, Christie Vold - lifeguard

Second row: Lori Arnold o- Manager, Jean Shelton - lifeguard, Meredith Williams - window,
                                Jenna Krause - lifeguard, Ellen Wagner - lifeguard, Ashley Hoff - lifeguard

Back row left to right: Nick Miller - lifeguard, Steven Lindseth - window, Kyle Cottingham - lifeguard,
                                         Kendra Meyer - lifeguard, Krissy Lunde - lifeguard

Absent at time of photo: Chris Sogard - Manager Sub., Bernie Bell and Dave Osmundson - maintenance

Pool Staff for the Summer of 2004

Front row left to right: Kendra Meyer - lifeguard, Morgan Wright - Window attendant, Ashley Hoff - lifeguard.

Second row left to right: Lori Arnold - manager, Jared Hanson - Window attendant, Ellen Wagner - lifeguard, 
          Katie Roys - Assistant manager.

Back row left to right: Nick Miller - lifeguard, Christie Vold - lifeguard, Scott Monk - lifeguard

Absent at time of photo: Jenna Krause  lifeguard, Jean Shelton - lifeguard, Chris Sogard - Assistant Manager, 
           Bernie Bell - maintenance, Dave Osmundson - maintenance.


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2020 Jewell Municipal Pool Staff (pictured from left):
Pool Manager Lori Vincent, lifeguard Nicole Vincent, window attendant Kole Feaker,
lifeguard Rylee Woodall, lifeguard Logan Peters, lifeguard Teagan Risetter

Click for Another image

the rest of the 2020 Jewell Municipal Pool Staff (pictured from left):
Assistant Pool Manager Dede Henderson, lifeguard Eli Potter, lifeguard Caden Thoreson,
lifeguard Brookelyn George, lifeguard Chandler George

2020 pool staff not pictured were window attendants Rachel Jenson, Luke Potter, and Alexander Winborn


The staff at the Jewell Municipal Pool in the summer of 2023 included Pool Manager Lori Vincent,
Assistant Pool Manager Dede Henderson and Lifeguards Eli Potter, Kale Feaker, Hallee Feaker, Regeka Carlson,
Nick Severseike, and Clark Streight.   Window attendants were Olivia Beaune, Karlie Hill and Sophie Nibe.